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Q: Which childhood disease causes infantile paralysis?
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what disease is chaaracterized by ascending paralysis

Infectious disease of the intestine that causes paralysis and sometimes death?


Infectoius disease of intestine that causes paralysis death?


Name the disease which cause paralysis of the facial muscles?

Bell's Palsy is one. Dysfunctional cranial nerve causes partial facial paralysis

What virus attacks the nervous system?

Poliomyelitis can enter the central nervous system and destroy motor neurons that can cause paralysis and muscle weakness/atrophy. Spinal polio is the most common form. Poliomyelitis is caused by poliovirus and used to be a dreadful disease in the 20th century. Now with better vaccines, the number of polio incidents have gone down.

What viral disease that causes muscle weakness paralysis and sometimes death was President Franklin D. Roosevelt affected by?

NSF/ NFD disease

Can a baby die with infantile eczema?

No, a baby with eczema will not die. Eczema is not a life threatening disease, it only causes dry and itchy patches of skin.

What does infectious polyneuritis do?

The disease affects the myelin sheath, which coats nerve cells. It causes progressive muscle weakness and paralysis

What childhood disease causes the salivary glands in the jaw to swell dramatically?

Mumps causes salivary glands to swell dramatically.

What does Guillain-Barre syndrome do?

The disease affects the myelin sheath, which coats nerve cells. It causes progressive muscle weakness and paralysis

What disease which causes shaking weakness and partial facial paralysis forced Michael J Fox to leave Spin City?


What dire conditions eventually result from Tay-Sachs disease?

Tay-Sachs disease eventaully causes the child to develops problems with breathing and swallowing. Blindness, paralysis, and death follow.