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when the chromosomes is 47 or less than 46

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Q: What chromosome is abnormal in a human karyotype?
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Describe a normal karyotype and a abnormal karyotype?

A normal karyotype will show all 23 chromosomes at normal growth, and the end will show an either XY (boy) or XX (girl). Karyotypes of people with autosomal diseases and other diseases associated with chromosomes will show abnormalities on that certain chromosome. For example, Down syndrome is caused by a whole extra chromosome on chromosome 21. This extra chromosome can be seen on the karyotype.

This human karyotype is unusual because chromosome set?

21 has an extra genetic material .

How many chromosome are shown in a normal human karyotype?

I believe the answer to your question is 23.

Is the karyotype of a person with schizophrenia normal or abnormal?

The majority of people with schizophrenia have normal karyotypes. If the karyotype is abnormal, it will be a coincidence and not the cause of the schizophrenia. For example, you can have Turner syndrome (1 X chromosome) and schizophrenia at the same time, but the Turner syndrome wouldn't have caused the schizophrenia.

What is the cause of holoprosencephaly?

Holoprosencephaly has no single cause, but about half of all cases are associated with abnormal karyotype (abnormal numbers of chromosomes), especially trisomy 13 (extra copy of chromosome 13) and trisomy 15 (extra copy of chromosome 15).

A karyotype of a human female shows that she has only one sex chromosome what is the genotype for her condition?


What is a karyotype and what type of mutation does it show?

A karyotype is a picture of the chromosomes in a cell. For example, a human cell has 46 chromosomes. In the karyotype, 23 pairs of chromosomes will be shown (23 x 2 = 46). A karyotype can show different types of mutations, depending on which chromosome it affects. For example, Down Syndrome is a trisomy in chromosome 21, so there will be THREE instead of two chromosome 21s. You can research more mutations shown by chromosomes in a karyotype.

What is a picture called of all the chromosome in a cell?

A picture of chromosomes is called a "karyotype."

Describe how the karyotype of an XXY human would differ from that of an XO human?

The karyotype of an XO human would be deficient one X chromosome, compared to that of a normal female, and it would result in a female. Normal human females only use one X chromosome, whereby one is inactivated, which is why an XO human is viable. An XXY human would have one extra X chromosome as compared to that of a normal male, and it would result in a male. Again, an X chromosome is inactivated, which is why an XXY human is viable. XO is referred to as Turner Syndrome. XXY is referred to as Klinefelter Syndrome.

How can you identify a monosomy in a karyotype?

The karotype of an individual can be compared with a standard (an example of a known good karotypefor the target species). Karotyping looks for obvious differences in chromosome count and abnormal morphology of individual chromosomes relative to the standard.

What can't a karyotype show?

Mutations within a chromosome

Why is karyotype called 45xo?

This particular karyotype has 45 chromosomes (instead of the usual 46). "XO" tells us that the karyotype is missing a sex chromosome: the individual has an X, but no homologous sex chromosome (X or Y) to complete the diploid pair.