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Damascus became the capital of the Muslim world under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty. The Umayyad dynasty ruled the Muslim world from 661 through 750.

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Q: What city became the capital of the Muslim world under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty?
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How did the Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the umayyad dynasty?

The Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty through the power of the Syrian army, which was the dynasty's foundation; this allowed the Umayyads to assume greater control of conquered provinces and and of Arab tribal rivalries.

How did Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty?

The Muslim empire spread under the leadership of the Umayyad dynasty through the power of the Syrian army, which was the dynasty's foundation; this allowed the Umayyads to assume greater control of conquered provinces and and of Arab tribal rivalries.

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The Muslim forces at the Battle of Tours were from the Caliphate of the Umayyad dynasty.

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That was Abd-ar-Rahman I, emir of Córdoba and founder of the Umayyad dynasty.

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Abbasids is the Muslim group overthrew the Umayyad dynasty and set up a new caliphate.

Who were the Muslim rulers who moved the capital from Mecca to Damascus?

The Umayyads, specifically the first Umayyad ruler, Mu'awiya I.

Where were the Abbasids from?

originated in damascus, syria and then relocated their capital in Baghdad, Iraq. took their name from Prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s paternal uncle al-Abbas--that way the Muslim followers will follow the Abbasid dynasty. they basically followed prophet Muhammad (SAW)'s word--unlike the Umayyad dynasty.

What caused umayyad downfall?

Muslim destroyed them

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Where is the most famous Muslim place of worship in Syria?

The Umayyad Masjid in Damascus.

How did the Umayyad's bring new lands into the Muslim empire?

They began to conquer new lands.

How did the Umayyad bring new lands into the Muslim empire?

They began to conquer new lands.