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New York was orginally named New Amsterdam, as it was founded by the Dutch. When the English took over they renamed it.

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Q: What city first named new amsterdam?
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Who were the first Europeans to established the colony New York?

The Dutch. The city was named after their own capital Amsterdam: New Amsterdam.

What was the city first named new Amsterdam?

The Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam became New York when the English took control in 1664.

The city of New York was first known as New what?

New Amsterdam. The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle in New York City. They named it New Amsterdam. When the English took control in 1664, they renamed it New York.

Where did the name New Amsterdam come from?

The New Amsterdam name came from the dutch. It was named after a city in the Netherlands named Amsterdam. it was in houner for thier king

The city of what became the city of New York?

New Amsterdam. The dutch named it.

The city of New York was first known as the New .....?

New York was first named New Netherlands. The town and fort at the south end of Manhattan Island was known as New Amsterdam.

How did New York get its name?

New York was first colonized by the Dutch, who named it New Amsterdam, based on the European city named Amsterdam. Later, the British invaded the colony, and the Dutch, not wanting to fight another battle with the British, surrendered New Amsterdam. The Dutch exited the colony, and the British occupied it. They named their new acquired colony New York based on the Duke of York.

Name for early Dutch settlement which became New York City?

The name of the first dutch settlement was New Amsterdam

The city of new york was first know as new.....?

New Amsterdam.

Why was the name new york given to the colony?

The Dutch were the first settlers of New York City and they called it New Amsterdam,, after the capital city of Holland. The colony was conquered by the British in 1664 without a shot being fired; the appearance of the British ships in the harbor was enough to convince the colonists they had no chance. It was re-named New York in honor of James, Duke of York, son of the British king, who had organized the expedition to capture New Amsterdam for the British,

Is New Amsterdam a colony?

It was. The first Europeans to settle in New York City were the Dutch, in either 1624, 1625, or 1626 (different sources give different dates). They named it New Amsterdam. When the English took control in 1664, they renamed it New York.

Which state was once named New Amsterdam?

New York City (not the state) used to be called New Amsterdam. It was named many names (Dutch and British) over the years prior to our winning the American Revolutionary War.