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New York City (not the state) used to be called New Amsterdam. It was named many names (Dutch and British) over the years prior to our winning the American Revolutionary War.

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Q: Which state was once named New Amsterdam?
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Once named new amsterdam?

A dutch colony

What state was once a dutch colony called New Amsterdam?

New York

Where did the name New Amsterdam come from?

The New Amsterdam name came from the dutch. It was named after a city in the Netherlands named Amsterdam. it was in houner for thier king

Why is new Amsterdam named after Dutch?

because they settled there so they named the town new amsterdam and because new amterdam today is Dutch

What city first named new amsterdam?

New York was orginally named New Amsterdam, as it was founded by the Dutch. When the English took over they renamed it.

What city was once called Amsterdam?

New York used to be New Amsterdam.

What state went to new Amsterdam?

No state went to Amsterdam. The Pilgrims went to Amsterdam first and then return to England. In 1620 they established Plymouth colony. New Amsterdam became New York.

What were the southern colonies named after?

Georgia was the New Amsterdam

What state did New York turn into?

New York is still New York, look at a map if you dont believe me. It started out as a Dutch colony named New Amsterdam though.

Who were the first Europeans to established the colony New York?

The Dutch. The city was named after their own capital Amsterdam: New Amsterdam.

The city of what became the city of New York?

New Amsterdam. The dutch named it.

Who originally settled New York and what was it called?

The dutch...and it was named New Amsterdam.