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It is difficult to determine which city has the most felons as this information is not always readily available or accurately reported. Additionally, crime rates and the number of felons can vary over time.

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Q: What city has the most felons?
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Can felons receive Section 8 housing help?

Yes, in most cases felons can receive Section 8 housing assistance. However, there are exceptions, particularly if the conviction is for drug-related or violent crimes. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis.

What countries will not allow entry to felons?

Countries like Canada, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates have strict entry requirements for individuals with a criminal record, including felonies. It's important to check the specific entry restrictions of each country before attempting to travel there with a felony conviction.

Does low income accept felons?

Low income housing programs may accept individuals with a felony on their record, but each program has specific eligibility requirements that vary. It's best to contact the specific program or housing authority for more information on their policies regarding felons.

Does habitat for humanity accept felons?

Habitat for Humanity typically considers applicants on a case-by-case basis, including individuals with felony convictions. They may require a waiting period or evidence of rehabilitation before approving an application. It's best to check with your local Habitat for Humanity affiliate for specific information on their policies regarding felons.

Are felons denied for credit?

Felons are not automatically denied for credit solely because of their criminal record. Credit decisions are based on several factors, including credit history, income, and debt-to-income ratio. However, having a felony conviction can make it more challenging to qualify for credit, especially if it has impacted their financial situation or creditworthiness.

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What companies in kansas city Missouri hire convicted felons?

ups. walmart and most companies will hire felons as long as its 7 years or longer old

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Can felons get passports in Texas?

Most convicted felons CANNOT get a passport period!

Where can felons get hired in Memphis?

anywhere the city is already full of them

Are there programs to help convicted felons find a job in new york city?

Yes there is a programs to helpconvicted felons find jobs.

What kind of jobs can convicted felons get in Alabama?

There are many jobs available for convicted felons in Alabama. Most warehouses and auto shops hire felons. There are also programs available to help felons better their lives.

Which employers hire felons in Kansas City?

In Kansas City, there are a few employers that will hire felons. A few of the places are Walmart, lawn services, construction, Home Depot, and many of the temp services will help a felon.

Where Can Convicted Felons Work in South Carolina?

Construction. Most local unions accept felons, if you are willing to learn and work.

Can felons get a passport in Texas?

Yes, felons can have a passport depending on the type of felony. Often, violent felonies or felonies that were international including drug trafficking will make it impossible to get a passport.

How many felons in NFL?

how many felons in the NFL

What is the duration of The Felons?

The duration of The Felons is 1.5 hours.