

What class of star is our sun?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Our Sun is a G star.

A "G" class has a temperature range 5,200 -> 6,000K

Colour, Yellow to yellowish white

Mass, 0.8 -> 1.04 of the Sun

Luminousity 0.6 -> 1.5 of the Sun

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Q: What class of star is our sun?
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Yes it a G class star

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The Sun is a star. Blue is the hottest. They fit into the Class O category, greater than or equal to 33,000K. Yellow stars (like the Sun) are in class G, and are between 5,200K and 6000k

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the sun is NOT a dwarf star, it is a g-type star. a dwarf is a s-type starThe Sun is a G2V star G2 means the second hottest of the yellow G class and V (the Roman numeral five) identifies the Sun as a main sequence DWARF STAR (so yes it is a dwarf star) A star with spectral S is a late-type giant star (similar to class K5-M).

Why is our Sun not a ordinary star?

How do yo define ordinary? For us the Sun is an Ordinary (mainstream) Star. It is not a Hyper Giant or a Dwarf Star. Its a G class yellow star that supports life on this planet.

Is the sun a class g star?

Yes. Our Sun's classification, based on spectral class, is a main sequence G2V star. It designated as a yellow dwarf star. G2 indicates its surface temperature of approximately 5778 K (5505 °C), and V indicates that the Sun, like most stars, is a main sequence star.