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no classes just burn stuff and they'll find u

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Q: What classes should you take in high school to become a firefighter?
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What classes should you take in high school to be a firefighter?

To become a firefighter, it is recommended to take classes that focus on science, such as chemistry and physics, as they will provide a solid understanding of fire behavior and prevention. Additionally, courses in health and physical education can help build stamina and fitness. It may also be beneficial to take classes in public speaking or communications to enhance communication skills. Furthermore, joining a local firefighting or emergency response program outside of school can provide hands-on experience and knowledge.

What math classes do you need to become a medical examiner?

To become a medical examiner you should take all math classes. You should also take extra science classes. If your school offers anatomy, then you should take that as well.

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you should take music classes

What high school classes should you take if you want to become a football player?

you dont take any classes

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You should go to culinary school.

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Of which tribe?

After high school what classes should you take to become a pediatric nurse?

Consider nursing school for a start.