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Q: What climates do areas near water usually have?
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What type of areas are better suited for wind power?

Flat-ish areas near large-ish bodies of water, with moderate climates.

What climate do eagles live in?

Eagles generally live in areas that are near large bodies of water or rivers. Most species are expert fishers. They usually are found in moderate to temperate climates.

Where on earth does water evaporate the fastest?

Water usually evaporates near dark areas or high pressure areas.

What climate does the Brazilian tapir like?

it likes very warm,wet climates. That is why they usually live near water or in the rainforests.

Areas near the equator that have warmer climates?

between tropics of cancer and capicorn

How have the climates of Africa affected population patterns?

Extreme dry conditions make some areas less habitable than others. Most regions with large populations are near water.

What climate do alligators live in?

Alligators live in sub-tropical climates (such as Florida and southern Louisiana).

What is the marine type of climate?

the climate that areas situated near a body of water or mainly near the sea expirience. Usually associated with moderate temperatures.

What do live bullfrog?

Bullfrogs prefer to live near water. And in warm climates.

How do bodies water effect climates near them?

They cause smaller temperature swings.

Water evaporates more from areas near the equator or ares near the north and south poles?

Water evaporates more from areas near the equator.

What are climates called near arctic or antarctica?

The climates are called polar climates.