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Slave hunters used various codes to communicate about their activities. Some common codes included referring to slaves as "merchandise" or "cargo," using terms like "recruiters" for slave catchers, and mentioning "the underground railroad" as a secret network to transport slaves to freedom. These codes helped slave hunters evade detection and capture.

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Q: What code did the slave hunters use?
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What were some methods slave hunters would use to capture slave?

Slave hunters would use tactics such as tracking down runaways with bloodhounds, searching plantations and cities for escaped slaves, and sometimes even luring them with promises of freedom before capturing them and returning them to their owners. They also relied on the help of local authorities and informants to locate and apprehend fugitive slaves.

Did Connecticut have a slave code?

Yes, Connecticut did have a slave code which was established in the 1600s. The code regulated the institution of slavery, outlining the legal rights and restrictions placed on enslaved individuals. This code was later amended as the state transitioned to abolish slavery.

What is a slave hunter?

A slave hunter is a person or group who captures individuals against their will with the intent of forcing them into slavery or selling them as slaves. Slave hunters engage in human trafficking and exploit vulnerable individuals for profit.

Did the fugitive slave act allow slave hunters to retrieve slaves from Massachusetts?

Yes, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 empowered slave hunters to retrieve escaped slaves from free states like Massachusetts and return them to their owners in slaveholding states. The law required citizens and law enforcement officials in free states to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves, leading to increased tensions and resistance in these states.

Which was not a slave code?

The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 was not a slave code. It declared all enslaved individuals in Confederate states to be free.

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What were people called that hunted slaves?

The simple answer for this question would be Slave hunters or Slave catchers..

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Someone who caught slaves and brought them back?

slave hunters

Did the fugitive slave act allow slave hunters to retrieve slaves from Massachusetts?

Yes, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 empowered slave hunters to retrieve escaped slaves from free states like Massachusetts and return them to their owners in slaveholding states. The law required citizens and law enforcement officials in free states to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves, leading to increased tensions and resistance in these states.

What did slave catchers use to catch slaves?

Bloodhounds were commonly used to pick up the scent of slaves and to track them down. Slave owners somtimes hired mercenaries or Bounty Hunters to retreive slaves.

Why don't the slave hunters find Jim?

Because they cant find him

Why doesn't the slave hunters get Jim in the book huckleberry Finn?

In "Huckleberry Finn," the slave hunters don't get Jim because Huck Finn decides to help him escape. Huck goes against societal norms and risks his own safety to protect Jim, standing up for what he believes is right rather than following the laws that support slavery.

What is the signal that someone is willing to hide you from slave hunters for the night?

they dont shoot at you

How does huck trick the slave hunters?

Huck tells them his dad is on the boat and has smallpox, so they should stay away. He props up his father's body in the cabin with his face covered and nailing a notice to the cabin door warning it was contagious. This convinces the slave hunters to keep their distance, allowing Huck and Jim to escape.