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Q: What codominance is and give an example of codominant alleles explainiing why they are codominant.?
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What is it when an allele is neither dominant nor recessive?

this is called codominance when alleles are neither dominant or recessive.

How are codominance alleles and incomplete dominant alleles different?

Codominant alleles will both be expressed in the phenotype. So for example in the human ABO blood type, A and B are codominant. This means that a person with the alleles AB will have the characteristics of both A and B (they will have both A and B antigens on their blood cells). Another example of codominance - if B codes for black fur and b codes for white fur, an individual with Bb would have black and white spots/splotches/etc. Incomplete dominance is different in that the phenotype is a mix of the two. So for example, if B codes for black fur and b codes for white fur an individual with Bb would have grey fur (a mix of black and white).

What is the blood type of person who is heterozygous having A and B alleles codominant?

Blood types is a good example of codominance. There are three alleles for blood type, that can be represented as IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant to i, but when an individual inherits one of each the former two alleles (IAIB), he or she will have type AB blood. Instead of one allele being straightforwardly dominant to another, or the resulting phenotype being a halfway stage between the two alleles, the phenotype has aspects directly resulting from each allele.

What is codominant genotype?

When two alleles are codominant, that means that they are expressed simultaneously in different parts. For example, if a red and white flower were crossed, and the resulting flower had some red petals and some white petals that would be codominance. Another example is when animals have stripes and spots. Not to be confused in incomplete dominance, which is when two alleles are expressed simultaneously in the same part of the organism (in the flower example all the petals would be pink).

What Dominant alleles are both fully expressed in a phenotype?

The form of inheritance in which two (different) alleles are both expressed is called codominance. An example of codominance is the orange and black coat of a type of calico cat called a tortoiseshell. Both the orange allele and the black allele for coat color are expressed.

Pattern of inheritance in which both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the organism?

The pattern of inheritance in which both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the organism is codominance. For example white and red hair color in cattle. Black and white feather color in certain chickens.

How do you use recessive allele in a sentence?

The building blocks of our genes (that make us what we are) are called alleles and these can be either dominant, recessive or codominant - which means they are equally dominant. Now for your sentence: "A typical example of codominance can be found in blood types, where the existence of A as well as B alleles in a person will lead to blood type AB".

What is the condition in which two different alleles are expressed equally when inhered?

It isn't really a condition but a term used for codominance. ABO blood type is an example.

When the alleles of a gene pair are expressed differently but neither is dominant to the other?

Codominance means that neither allele can mask the expression of the other allele. An example in humans would be the ABO blood group, where alleles A and alleles B are both expressed.

Where can one find images of codominance?

One can find images of codominance by conducting an online image search using keywords such as "codominance," "codominant traits," or "codominant inheritance." Alternatively, educational websites, biology textbooks, or genetics resources may also provide illustrations or diagrams depicting examples of codominance.

Is it true that in co dominance neither of the alleles is dominant or recessive?

True - in codominance neither allele is dominant or recessive. Codominance results in both alleles being expressed in the phenotype (characteristics of the organism). For example, if R is red and W is white - a flower with the genotype RW would have white petals with red patches (or something similar).

What is intermediate inheritance?

Intermediate inheritance refers to either codominance or incomplete dominance. Codominance refers to a condition in which two alleles of a locus are expressed in a heterozygote. For example, if white cow and a red cow bred they would produce a roan (a mix of red and white) calf because the red and white colors would be expressed independently (hair by hair). Incomplete dominance is a condition in which neither member of a pair of contrasting alleles is complete expressed when the other is present. For example, if a red flower and a white flower bred to produce a plant with pink flower, this would be an example of codominance because both the red and the white alleles were expressed.