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Q: What colony could non church members vote?
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Who could vote in colonial Massachusetts?

I believe it was those who were member's of the church.

Who was allowed to vote in colony Virginia?

White men over 21 who owned land and were members of the church.

All adult men in the Massachusetts Bay Colony who were members of the church were given the right to vote?

yes true

Who could vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Men could vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Who could vote in Georgia colony government?

only men could vote in the colony.

Who were the people allowed to vote in Massachusetts?

adult male church members were allowed to vote.

Did everyone vote at the Massachusetts bay colony town meeting?

yes. if you attended the meeting, you were expected to vote. "selectmen" ran the meetings, you only attended if you were one of the "elect" therefore you were expected to vote. this was also only male members of the church, but you had the eligibility to attend if you were this.

Was there separation between church and state in Massachusetts Bay Colony?

No, there was not a clear separation of church and state in the English colony. For instance, only Puritans could vote in the original colony. Their charter was revoked, and they were grouped with other areas into a province, and voting was extended to non-Puritans in 1691.

Church membership was not a requirement for the right to vote in Connecticut?

Today it isn't , but as a colony it was.

What was the elect in the New England colony?

Certain men who were involved with the church that were allowed to vote.

Why did the Massachusetts bay colony need a governor?

The colony had its own government with laws guided by religion. The only people allowed to vote were members of the church. In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, if you weren't a Puritan, you had to live somewhere else. This wasn't all bad,because it led to the beginning of other colonies.