

What color are African cichlid fish?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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They are a lot of different colors, i have 2 one bright orange and a blue.But others come in almost any color.

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Q: What color are African cichlid fish?
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So. Amer. Cichlid lives in South Amrica and African Cichlids live in lake malawi in africa

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Which will win a convict or a fighting fish?

Win what? be more specific. If you mean in a territorial dispute, an adult fighting fish will get eaten (literally) by and adult convict cichlid. but if the cichlid and the fighting fish are of the same size then the fighting fish would be at an advantage.

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There are literally hundreds of different species of fish that come under the cichlid banner. They come mainly from rivers and lakes in Tropical America and Tropical Africa.

Can a frontosa breed with African chiclids?

A Frontosa is an African Cichlid, Lake Malawi I believe. I have heard of hybrids bu have never personally observed any. I would say it is possible for them to breed with other cichlid types.

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