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Some fish will get more pale in color and some will not chand\ge in color

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Q: What color are fish before they die?
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Red, yellow or black.

What color is a fish before dying?

Most fish get very light colored when stressed, but some become very dark. Basically, a drastic color change indicates a problem.

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they will but only when they die. The fish gets darker every time but doesnt change until then

How fish die?

fish die of oldnesss or not well tanked care before you get a fish make sure you know fats about it and mostly get a tank with a filter. i had with that died now that i have a tank with a filternothing happens

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they never ever ever ever die

Why is your betta fish not eating and why is it turning a white color?

mine did that a few months before it died!!:(

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because the fish is the color whtie and the fish is a fish so it si a white fish

What is the difference between a color blendable fish and a normal fish on happy aquarium?

blendable fish means that there has to be two different colors in order for the color to blend (red fish+ blue fish= purple fish). If they are the same color, a blendable fish will also be that color (red fish + red fish= red fish). overall it is still a surprise at how much the color blends especially if the fish has multiple colors.

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Because most of the eggs die before they can hatch.