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Q: What color do bacterial endospores stain in the Schaeffer-Fulton spore stain?
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Related questions

Is bacterial cell a endo spore?

yes a bacterial cell is an endo spore

Is a spore a cell?

yes a bacterial cell is an endo spore

Why gram staining procedure cannot stain endospores?

Because stains can't penetrate the spore covering. You have to heat the spore to open it and let the stain in.

How can a bacterial spore be destroyed?

Chlorine Bleach

Is bacillus megaterium a spore or a vegetative cell?

It is an endospore former, but it will only form endospores when the environmental conditions are harsh. Thus, it can be a vegetative cell or spore depending on environemental conditions.

Why are bacterial spores not considered to be true reproductive bo?

Bacterial spore are not true reproductive structures as in reproduction there is the formation of many cell from one that is either by mitosis or meosis but in endospores there is only the modification occurs in bacterial cell which makes it resistant to temprature fluctuations and to certain chemicals. This endospore when get favourable condition againd change in complete bacterial cell, it is just conversion of one form of preexisting cell not the formation of new cell as occurs in reproduction.

What is the formsome bacteria take too keep from dying when they do not have enough food?

Some bacteria, like many Bacilllus species, form endospores when they run out of food. Endospores are resistant to heat, dessication, weak acid, etc.

Why heat the slide when performing spore stain?

Endospores are impermeable to most stains so heat is usually applied to drive the stain into the endospore.

What temperature does bacterial spore growth commence at?

63 degrees celsius

Why does a bacterial spore not die when it is cooked?

because of the presence of dipicolinic acid

What is a spore forming group of organisms?

Spore formers are a group of bacteria which form an endospore. When certain bacteria are stressed, sub-lethally injured, or placed in danger in any way it will form what is know as an endospore. The endospore contains all of the necessary genetic information necessary to regenerate a new vegetative bacterial cell if the bacterium is killed or lethally injured. Endospores will not germinate into vegetative cells unless the original bacterium is killed and the threat has subsided.

What is bacterial spore?

Bacterial spores are resistant and dormant structures formed in certain Bacteria and are ment for survival . They are of 2 types endospore and exospores .