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Well sometimes if I dont have black nail polish, I use dark purple. So, generally dark colours.

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Q: What color do emo people paint their nails?
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Does any emo girl like wearing false nails?

Black or dark color nail not fake

Can people be brown and still be emo?

Anyone can be emo regardless of race or color.

Why do some men paint their nails black?

Guys paint their nails black as an accesory, just as some guys have piercings, earrings, etc. some guys decide to paint their nails black because it looks great. It doesn't mean they're emo, goth or scene.

What does being Emo mean?

Being Emo is something impossible for anyone to do. Emo does not stand for "emotional". The original version of emo is short for "emotional hardcore", which is a sub-group of punk. No one can be music.Most people mistake being Emo as doing self harm. This is not the case because this is a Depression issue and has nothing to do at all about being "Emo". There are plenty of other people (Unfortunately) that harm themselves and do not belong to this sub culture/group at all. -Sky JensonMost people play around these days and calling people emo for having black nails, or your bangs in front of your face, or wearing alot of black clothes. But truly that has nothing to do with being emo. (which the way i see it, it's every dumb to call someone emo for wearing black and\or having black nails). hope this helped-XxemILYxCX

Why do people clip their toes?

only emo idiots clip their toes, most people cip their toe nails because the nail was too long.

Is there black emo's?

Yes, there are Black individuals who are part of the emo subculture. Emo is characterized by a particular style of fashion, music, and emotional expression, and people of all races and backgrounds can identify with it.

Can emos have any colour hair?

People who are emo can have whatever hair color that pleases them

Is red hair an emo hair color?

It depends on what color of red if it like a burgandy then no but if it is a bright red then it could be considered emo but i would not consider it emo.

What is wrong with wearing black nail colour?

Well it is considered emo. Next time you get your nails done get them a different color like a lighter color if you are a beginner at going to the saloon. If you go regularly you should get a brighter bolder color like red with a design.

What is the color of Elmo the Muppet?

Elmo's Favoret color is black cuz he iz emo ya an emo Elmo yayayayayayayayayayayaya!!!

I've been emo and I'm rly sick of it How do i get over it?

You can't just "get over" being emo. Being emo is a state of mind. You can stop dressing in the "emo" style, if you do. Emo is just a classification people will put on you. Maybe just wear color. Maybe be happier. If you have to ask this question I don't think your really emo.

Just because you like black does that mean you are emo?

No, liking the color black does not necessarily mean someone is emo. Emo is a specific subculture that encompasses a certain style, music taste, and attitude, beyond just liking the color black. Personal style preferences do not always indicate identity with a particular subculture.