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Q: What color is best to give you energy to EXERCISE?
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Why do carbohydrates do for your body?

Carbohydrates give you lots of energy to do exercise.

When you exercise what energy does your body give off because of increased temperature?

It gives off thermal energy.

Does baking powder give energy prior to exercise?

it gives energy when oven hits 110 degrees

What is the best exercise software for the Wii?

Wii Sports is probably the best for exercise at the moment, but in a couple of months Wii Fit will come out and that will be the best because it is designed to give you exercise.

Do you need carbohydrates to make muscle?

Carbohydrates will give you energy with which to do your exercise, but the muscle itself is made from protein.

Why do not over exercise?

Over exercise will harm your muscles. Few of the muscle fibers may die, each time you exercise. You may loose lot of energy. Proteins may be used to give you energy. So you may be left with fewer proteins for muscle building.

Will chocolate give you energy?

No not really. The thing that will wake you up best would NOT be coffee or energy drinks. Apples would be the best thing to use in the morning to give you energy all day long.

What is the difference between a energy bar and a snack bar?

An energy bar is typically for exercise to give u energy. A snack bar is just to satisfy ur hunger. It is self-explanatory

I need a boost, will energy supplements work?

Energy supplements just might give you that extra energy you need. Make sure that you eat properly, exercise and get enough rest, as well.

What can give you fast weight loss?

Weight loss is all in all consuming your energy which is kept in fat underneath your skin. So you must exercise to consume that energy.

Does rice give you a tummy?

Any carbohydrate makes you put weight on, if you do not burn it off through exercise this will cause an increase in fat. Carbohydrates give you energy but the energy can easily be stored in your body as fat. hope this helped.

Which sports drinks are best for a runner to replenish lost energy?

There are plenty of specifically formulated drinks for replenishing liquids and energy while running or doing other exercise. The most famous are Gatorade and Powerade. These will offer electrolytes to help you drink more fluids as well as some carbs or sugars to give you an energy boost.