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Q: What color is between blue and purple?
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What is the difference between blue and purple?

Blue is a primary color that is generally associated with calmness and tranquility, whereas purple is a secondary color made by mixing blue and red. Purple is often seen as a color of creativity and luxury, blending the stability of blue with the energy of red.

What color is more acidic blue or purple?

Between blue and purple, blue is more acidic than purple.

Name the color between blue and purple?


What color is between blue and red?

Purple (violet).

Is magenta pink or purple?

Magenta is a shade of purple. An easy way to tell the difference between pink and purple is this; pink is pale red, purple is any combination of red and blue. Because magenta is between red and blue in the color circle, that makes it a purple color.

What color does blue and purple makes?

Purple is a secondary color made up of equal parts red and blue. Blue is a primary color. Mixing purple & blue would result in the tertiary color blue-purple.

What is Matthew Henson's favorite color?

purple and blue

What color can you add to purple to make more blue?

You can add the color blue to make purple more blue.

What is the difference between purple blue?

Purple is a color that is a blend of red and blue, often associated with royalty and luxury. Blue is a primary color that conveys feelings of calmness and tranquility. Purple has more red tones mixed in, giving it a warmer feel compared to the cooler tones of blue.

What color is your favourate?

blue and then purple

What color is violet?

violet is very light purple, almost a cross between pale blue and dark purple.

What color is the best color for lava lamp?

The best color for a lava lamp is subjective and depends on personal preference. Popular choices are red, orange, or purple for a vibrant and mesmerizing display. Ultimately, choose the color that brings you the most joy and fits your space decor.