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If iodine is not applied, both the gram-positive and gram-negative stains will appear to be gram-negative. The iodine acts as a mordant that helps to fix the crystal violet stain in the gram-positive bacteria, making them appear purple. Without iodine, the crystal violet stain can be easily washed out of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, resulting in a pink or red color.

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Q: What color is gram negative stain and gram positive stain if you forget to apply iodine?
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Is Entamoeba histolytica gram positive or gram negative?

Bacteria are gram positive and gram negative (which means if you apply Gram stain to them, they either pick up the color (positive) or they do not (negative). Entamoeba Hystolytica is not a bacteria, it is a protozoa (one celled organism) that usually causes diarrhea and can be diagnosed from a stool sample and treated with drugs.

What are negative word?

Negative words are words deemed by culture to be negative. Things like insults, slang words, and curse words are negative. It could also apply to English, and mean words like 'not', 'never', etc.

Copper is a good conductor of electricity because its electrons are what?

The copper (the positive protons) hold the inner negative electrons securely, but the outer most negative electrons of the copper atom are easily disloged and become free electrons, apply a potential difference (volts) between terminals of say a car battery, and the terminals are joined by copper wire then electrons will flow from one terminal to the other - the electron flow is from negative to positive terminal.Hope this helps I have just answered the question simply!

What blood type will child have if both parents are o negative?

If both parents are O negative than the child will also be O negative. This is a special case with O negative, the same logic doesn't apply to other blood groups.

Is the north pole a negative charge?

Magnets are said to have a "north pole" and a "south pole". Traditionally, the north pole of a magnet is the side that would be attracted toward the North Pole of the Earth in a compass. Since opposite magnetic poles attract, the Earth's "Magnetic North Pole" is physically a magnetic south pole.To answer the question... No, the north pole is not a negative charge. We speak of north and south poles in magnetism. We speak of positive and negative charges in electrostatics.

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How do you divide positive and negative numbers?

It is the same rules that apply for multiplying them:positive and negative are negativepositive and positive are positivenegitve and negative are positive

What signs are used when mulitiplying and dIviding integers would the signs be the same and the answer negative?

positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative The same rules apply for dividing, since dividing is actually multiplying by the reciprical.

How do you divide with a negative fraction?

Divide as you would divide positive fractions. That is, convert both fractions to positive, then do the division. After that, apply the rules for dividing positive and negative numbers. For example, if one of the fractions is positive and the other negative, the answer will be negative.

What is the positive and negative values of Filipinos?

The same as yours. They are people. We all have positive and negative aspects that apply to us as a person and as a nation.

Explain how you can find the sign of the product of two or more rational numbers?

Negative times negative equals positive. Positive times positive equals positive. Positive times negative equals negative. If you have more than two numbers, multiply the first two and then apply these rules to each successive number in turn.

What is a negative connotation for house?

Well, a negative connotation of house might be 'shack', and a positive connotation can be 'mansion'.

Is the use of emotive language positive/negative/both?

Both, It Depends on The Situation and How You Apply Emotional Language To It.

How do you determine negatives or positives in math equations?

Numbers are justified as positive, which is usually written as just a number but can be written with a plus (+) sign in front of the number. (e.g. 15 or +15), or negative. Negative numbers are numbers in the negative integers, or below 0. They are written with a minus (-) sign in front of them. (e.g. -15) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::To solve remember these rules::.. When multiplying: positive x negative = negative positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive When dividing: positive / negative = negative positive / positive = positive negative / negative = positive When adding: In a positive + negative situation, if the negative number has a higher number than the positive (e.g. -25 + 10) then the number is negative, this is always true when adding a higher negative to a positive. If the positive has a higher number (e.g. 25 + -10) then it's just the opposite, it will be a positive number. -------------You can solve these very easily: 25 + -10 --> (25) + (-10) to keep it well organized and easier to work with,now just remember "Keep Change Change"... - keep 25 as it is, change "+" to a "-" and change the "-10" to a positive 10. As a result, you will have: 25 - 10. Now solve. Answer = 15 (positive). If for instance you have a negative + positive, the same rules apply (Keep Change Change) negative + negative = negative positive + positive = positive When subtracting: negative - positive (vice versa), use Keep Change Change as you did with adding positives and negatives. negative - negative, use Keep Change Change positive - positive, use Keep Change Change if the number you are subtracting is a higher number. (e.g. 10-15) If you need anymore help, try asking a more specific question again on Wikianswers, search for math websites on the web, or ask your teacher or college professor for help.

What do you do with multipling and dividing positive and negative numbers?

If you multiply two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, the result will be positive.If you multiply a positive and a negative number, the result will be negative.The same rules apply for division - a positive number divided by a negative number, or a negative number divided by a positive number, will give a negative result.In any case, most of the calculation is the same as for positive numbers - you only have the additional complication of deciding whether to put a plus sign or a minus sign in front of the result. For example, -8 / 2 = -4; the absolute value (4) is the same as when you divide 8 / 2, only the sign changes.If you multiply two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, the result will be positive.If you multiply a positive and a negative number, the result will be negative.The same rules apply for division - a positive number divided by a negative number, or a negative number divided by a positive number, will give a negative result.In any case, most of the calculation is the same as for positive numbers - you only have the additional complication of deciding whether to put a plus sign or a minus sign in front of the result. For example, -8 / 2 = -4; the absolute value (4) is the same as when you divide 8 / 2, only the sign changes.If you multiply two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, the result will be positive.If you multiply a positive and a negative number, the result will be negative.The same rules apply for division - a positive number divided by a negative number, or a negative number divided by a positive number, will give a negative result.In any case, most of the calculation is the same as for positive numbers - you only have the additional complication of deciding whether to put a plus sign or a minus sign in front of the result. For example, -8 / 2 = -4; the absolute value (4) is the same as when you divide 8 / 2, only the sign changes.If you multiply two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, the result will be positive.If you multiply a positive and a negative number, the result will be negative.The same rules apply for division - a positive number divided by a negative number, or a negative number divided by a positive number, will give a negative result.In any case, most of the calculation is the same as for positive numbers - you only have the additional complication of deciding whether to put a plus sign or a minus sign in front of the result. For example, -8 / 2 = -4; the absolute value (4) is the same as when you divide 8 / 2, only the sign changes.

Is the product of two integers positive negative or zero How can you tell?

The product of two integers will be: * Zero, if one factor, or both, are zero. * Positive, if both factors have the same sign (both positive, or both negative) * Negative, if the two factors have different signs. Actually, these rules apply to all real numbers, not just to integers.

Is Entamoeba histolytica gram positive or gram negative?

Bacteria are gram positive and gram negative (which means if you apply Gram stain to them, they either pick up the color (positive) or they do not (negative). Entamoeba Hystolytica is not a bacteria, it is a protozoa (one celled organism) that usually causes diarrhea and can be diagnosed from a stool sample and treated with drugs.

What would be the result of over destaining on gram-positive types?

Over destaining can cause the purple color from the gram positive bacteria to be washed away, so when you apply the safrinin the gram positive bacteria will take up a pink color causing gram positive bacteria to appear gram negative.