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i would say blue, because of the sea. but for land, i would say a sort of pale orange

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Blue. Water makes us more then half of our planet.

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13y ago

Blue because of the oceans

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It is blue because of the oceans.

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Q: What color is probably found on a world map more than any other color?
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What color probably os found on a world map more than any other?


What color is probably more found to a world map then others?


What color is probably on a world map than any other?


What color probably is found on world map more than any other?

green... because it represents land and there is more land than lakes and oceans

What color is found more than any other on the world map?


Which color probably is found on a world map more than any other?

Blue, Because Water is blue and theres more water than land. :o

What color is found on a world map more then any other?

Blue is the color most commonly found on world maps, representing bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and lakes.

What color is found on a world map more then any?

what color can be found on the world map more than any other.? It is blue because their is more water on earth than land so the most common color would be blue.

What color is likely found on a world map more than any other?

Blue (for the oceans)

What color is probably on the map more than any other?

On a usual world map, as well as many other maps, the most common color will probably be the color depicting water, which is usually blue. Some maps may portray water as white or black.

In what countries can Russian libraries be found?

Probably Russia. They can probably be found in other neighboring countries such as Ukraine, Finland, Estonia, or Belarus. Also, you might find them in other parts of the world with large Russian speaking populations.

What color is found a a world map more than any other?

the answer is blue for water and oceans cause there are more oceans than countries