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In both World Wars the German army wore gray, called field gray, "feldgrau". It was a good color for the foggy dark woods of Europe.


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Q: What color were the Nazi uniforms in the Holocaust?
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When was the Nazi Holocaust exposed?

1945 was when the nazi holocaust was exposed

What color shirts did Nazi SS troops wear?

The Nazi SS stormtroopers wore brown shirts and uniforms from 1929 to 1932. However, the Nazi SS soldiers also wore uniforms that were black in color and shirts that were brown. With time, there were other changes to the SS Nazi uniform in terms of insignia, colors, and to show the different ranks.

Nazi storm troopers named for the color of their shirts?

Nazi storm troopers were often called brown shirts, for the color of their uniforms. The official name of the storm troopers, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party, was the Sturmabteilung. The were also called the SA for short.

Why was the Holocaust associated with Germany?

Have you ever heard of Hitler? He was the Nazi leader which is often considered as Germans which is a big stereotype. Hitler started the Holocaust so that is the connection___The Holocaust was carried out by men in German uniforms acting on orders passed down from their leaders. To put it simply: It was Germany that committed the Holocaust.

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What were some conflicts for the holocaust children in the nazi war?"

What does death's head look like on the soldiers uniforms in the holocaust?

a skull, but it was not on soldier's uniforms, it was on the uniforms of a divivsion of the SS.

What camp from the Holocaust have to wear uniforms?


Which was an outcome of the nazi governments final solution?

the Holocaust.

How did the Allies know to rescue but not to attack the Holocaust prisoners of Germany during World War II?

The Nazi's were better clothed, well-fed, and probably held weapons, while Holocaust survivors wore old prison uniforms and were basically walking skeletons.

Which government sponsored the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was committed by the government of Nazi Germany.

What did the Nazi do to the Adults in the holocaust?

they killed them...

What name is given to the Nazi massacre of over 6 million Jews?

The Holocaust