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It would be yellow. Yellow surfaces only reflect yellow, light makes everything that is white or its own color the color of the light, and bananas are yellow.

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Q: What color would banana be under a yellow light?
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What color is a banana under green and red light?

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What color would a banana appear to be under yellow light?

White light is made up of equal parts of three primary colours; red, green, and blue (Or RGB). A banana will absorb the blue light, and then all that is left is the red and green. If you mix red and green together, you get a gold-yellow sort of colour, the same colour as a banana.

What colour is a white object under yellow light?

Why do you call it a "white object" ? Could it be because it looks white under white light ... light composed of every color ? Well then, the object must reflect every color. So it appears to be the color of whatever light you illuminate it with. Yellow under yellow light, etc.

What will white look like under yellow light?

White reflects all colors. Since it is under yellow light, it will reflect the yellow color, making it look yellow.

Why does red lipstick look unpleasant under yellow light?

Red lipstick looks unpleasent under yellow light because yellow light absorbs mist of the red color.

How would a tomato look under blue light?

GreenBlack. A banana appears yellow in white light, which is a strong hintthat it reflects only yellow light and absorbs light of all other colors.

What color underwear to wear under light yellow linen pants?

I would personally suggest a light yellow color or white, neither would show through.

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Is a banana blue?

Yes, but I highly recommend not actually eating it. Some species of fingerling banana's are indeed red/purple and quite sweet. Very nutritious and fun to eat. See photo: Related Links

What would a red object look like under a yellow light?

Blue appears black under a yellow light. For example if you have a blue car and you put a yellow light on it will appear black due to the absence of color. The light has nothing to reflect back.

What is the difference between ripe and unripe goat cheese?

In a ripe banana, it is yellow and the outside is pretty much yellow. By unripe do you mean under ripe? If so, the banana is green, hard, and unappealing.In an over ripe banana, the insides are brown, squishy, and disgustingThe outside, too, is black, brown, yellowish, and squishy.

What will a yellow object look like when under a yellow light?

An object that appears yellow under white light will have a tendency to maintain its distinctly yellow appearance when bathed in yellow light.