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Green is generally considered the most acceptable and restful to the human eye since it is in the middle of the visible spectrum. Hence the reason that drawing boards at one time had a green backing sheet and the original computer screens (before multi-coloured GUI's) had green text on a black background (still referred to as Green-Screen and preferred by many professional programmers).

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Q: What colors are the most appealing to the human eye?
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The colors of light that can be seen by the human eye are the visible spectrum. The specific colors in the visible spectrum are; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

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We can see the primary colors, even if they're mixed together to form different colors. Black and white aren't considered colors but there is only one color the human eye can't see is the color indigo.

Was there ever other colors of the rainbow?

Most likely not, since the rainbow contains everypossible color that the human eye can detect.

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All colors visible to the human eye are in the rainbow. They have no specific meaning.

What color draws most attention to the human eye?

Bright colors like red, yellow, and orange tend to grab the most attention from the human eye. These colors are more stimulating and can stand out in a field of more muted colors.

Why does rainbow has seven colors?

Rainbow has infinite number of colors. Every color the human eye can see is there.

How many colors can a human perceive Example A Nikon D50 - 36bit RGB can see 68719476735 discreet colors?

A human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors.

How many colors can the eye can see?

The human eye can see 7,000,000 colors, although certain colors can be irritating and cause headaches and vision issues. Others can induce calm states and relaxation.

Why can our eyes only be certain colours?

The colors that can appear within the human genome are regulated by the genes that code for specific colors. The human eye-color is limited by what colors the genes can code for.