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Stay away from pastel colors. I have lighter hair/pale skin, so people say I look great in darker greens and burnt Oranges. Fall is definetly our time, because we can wear deeper rich tones. White and Black alone or together tend to wash us out, much like pastel colors! Hope this helps.

I have pale skin and pale is beautiful.. no joke.. i would go with pastel colors if you have blue eyes but if you have green or brown i would go with darker greens and burnt oranges too. :)

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Q: What colors should people with pale skin wear?
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What is a good color on pale skin?

I am pale and EVERYONE tells me I am pale... what I usually wear are some of these colors Green white black tan pink Some of those colors are good for pale skin :)

Can people die if they are to pale?

No but pale people do often have skin cancer The color of the skin can at times indicate a problem with health however just having pale skin wont kill you. People with pale skin should take extra care however where it comes i contact with the sun.

What colors do you mix get skin colors?

Brown, a small amount of white, and a TINY bit of red if you are pale.

What colour clothes look best on pale skin?

Depending on how pale ones skin is would determine the color clothes that would look best on that specific skin type. Neon colors, such as oranges and pinks, usually look better on tan skin. So one with pale skin could go for more neutral colors or browns to look the best.

How do you make a pale skin colour?

If you are mixing paint you can make a pale skin color by adding a little bit of red and yellow to white. You should add less yellow than red. Add in the colors slowly so that you can control how dark the color is getting.

Does lack of oxygen cause pale skin?

A lack of oxygen will indeed cause pale skin. Pale skin can also be caused by anemia and should always be evaluated by a doctor or medical professional.

Is pale skin common for Irish and German people?


What colors go in skin tones?

people with olive tones should wear colors like dark forest green, scarlet red, and royal blue. people of darker tones (what I've seen not an actuall fact) should go with a bright vivid yellow white or turquise blue. people with paler tones shoul go with a pale pink, light blue, or tan. stay away from green.

Why is cancer more common in people with lighter skin?

Because They Are Pale

What is the best foundation to use for people with pale skin?

Bare naturals!

Do highlights look good with dark hair on pale skin?

Blonde highlights look good with dark hair on pale skin and many people with dark hair use them.

Is pale skin whiter skin?

Yes, a kind of. Pale skin is a very white, light grayish skin tone.