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Q: What colors would you see if you had protanomaly?
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Why can't dogs see green from yellow?

It is believed they see no colors(black and white). And so they would not see either of these colors.

How many kinds of colors are there?

There are several types of color blindness.Total color blindnessPartial color blindnessThe partial cases can be broken down into:Red-greenDichromacy (protanopia and deuteranopia)Anomalous trichromacy (protanomaly and deuteranomaly)Blue-yellowDichromacy (tritanopia)Anomalous trichromacy (tritanomaly)

If you saw mars from space what colors would you see?

red and yellow =)

What colors do humans see?

The colors that you see are the colors that are being reflected back at you

Is sun a monochromatic source?

No! Polychromic. IF it were then there would be no colors (or one color that you would see as white).

Do guine pigs in in colour?

Guinea pigs are dichromatic. They see colors as a human with color blindness would, certain colors would be hard to perceive and contrast

Do a butterfly needs to see colors or a owl need to see colors?

Butterfly yes - to find food (flowers). Owls, probably not ... detecting motion would be more critical.

What method to use for color visible?

Colors reflect of a surface, and the other colors are absorbed, say it was a blue dress. All the other colors would be absorbed, and blue would reflect so you could see it.

How do I know the colors I see are the same colors you see?

I do not have a scientific answer to this, but i am presuming one way to approach this question is to also understand how colorblind tests would actually work for the majority of the population. If they didn't, that would mean that the colors don't interact with each other, such as the specific colors they use for those tests. All in all, since colorblind tests do work, I do believe that majority of us do see the world same way, in the same colors.

How would life be different if people were unable to see colors other than black and white?

life would be boring with out colors there is no excitement in life what so ever

What do dogs see?

Dog's see like a color blind person would. They can only see certain colors. They DON'T see in B/W!

What colors can a chimp see?

They can see all the colors we can.