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Q: What colour does the hydrangeas change in the acidic soil?
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Why do hydrangeas change color?

they change colour with the soil pH level.

What colour do hydrangeas start off as?

It depends on the variety of Hydrangea although soil acidity or alkalinity will alter the shading and colour. Generally, acidic soil produces blue or lavender-blue hydrangeas and alkaline soil produces pinks and reds.

How does soil pH affect flower color?

Well, if the soil is acidic then the flower would turn and pink/red colour. if the soil had alkali then the colour would change to blue. Gardeners use this to make Hydrangeas change colour. other colours are possible to make, it all determines the Ph of the soil.

How do you make a pink hydrangea turn blue?

you need to change the soil PH, if i remember corectly you need to lower the PH but ask a nursery :)

How do you know if you have high acidic soil?

To check the acidity of the soil all u have to do is check it with a pH paper.If the value shows a colour red or some colour near to it it means the soil is acidic in nature.But if the colour is blue or greenish, it is basic in nature.

When would you not correct pH even if it was acidic or basic soil?

Some plants require acidic or basic soils to grow well. in such cases, we will not correct the pH level of the soil also plants like hydrangea get their colour from such acidic or basic soil

How do you make Hydrangeas blue?

Hydrangea need acidic soil, below ph6. If the soil is alkaline (ph above 7) then the flowers will turn pink. Don't expect this to happen quickly. It may take an entire season.

What is the colour of lime that is added to sweeten soil?

The lime added to sweeten the soil is usually white limestone. It makes soil less acidic.

What colors do hydrangeas come in?

They change color due to the acidity or alkalinity of the soil they are grown in.

Do hydrangea like acid?

The colour of hydrangeas is affected by the pH of the soil - soils with a low pH (up to about 5.5) are acidic soils and will produce blue or purple flowers. Soils with a high pH (above 5.5) are more alkaline and flowers tend to become pink as the pH increases. Many modern Hydrangeas are bred to be more inclined to either blue or pink, but in my experience they usually eventually revert to the above 'rule'.

Does baking soda in the soil keep hydrangeas blue?

No, it will make them pink; baking soda is alkaline, so the pH will increase. If you want to make them blue, you should put rusty nails in the soil. In an acidic soil (pH near 6), you'll get blue flowers.

Does the pH of the soil affect the colour of flowers?

Yes it does. In some flowers, they act like Universal Indicator. (universal indicator goes blue if its very basic- also known as alkaline- and it goes red if something is acidic) So some flowers go red in acidic soil, and change to blue if the soil goes basic.