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Q: What colours do old people like?
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Do children tend to like bright or dark colors better?

well, it depends on the child really but most children i know do tend to like brighter colours. Or neutral colours, children like brighter colours because they are just exploring new and different colours and finding out who they are by what sort of colours they like. I loved bright colours! i loved being different to other people i also loved to stand out. I hope that has answered your question. x

What makes parrots special?

People tend to like their bright colours, intelligence and everything you can do with them

What do fairies dislike?

Different fairies like different colours

What the top 3 colors people like the most?

joe like black nick like light colours kevin like white

Is black and white colours?

most people think they are but there not colours.

Why do some people favor a certain color while others don't like it?

Some people don't have favourite colours because they have never actually thought about colours (they know what they are, know about them) but don't think of them as anything else. Others may just like all the colours equally and can not choose between them.

What are the aboriginal colors?

The colours that people used to colour aboriganal painting & drawings are very earthy colours like red from blood ,brown was used a lot also oranges

Are the solid colours the basic colours?

No because a solid colour is just a full colour like just plain blue nothing special like the colors baby blue and light blue. Basic colours are primary colours and primary colours are colours which you can mix like red, blue, green, yellow and so on.

What is the color of the people in melanesia?

they have dark colours, like Australian aboriginal people, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and surrounding area.

What do people say about the color red?

it promotes a hosilte response (not calming!) like blue or light colours

What kind of dress people should wear on earth day?

earthy colours like green or blue

Why are some cheddar cheeses yellow and some red?

They are made different colours and flavours as people like variety