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You can use the Goto command to go to a specific location in a document or worksheet. Use Ctrl - G to start it. You could also use the find, using Ctrl - F if you are looking for specific text to go to.

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Q: What command can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location?
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What command you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location?

You can use the Goto command to go to a specific location in a document or worksheet. Use Ctrl - G to start it. You could also use the find, using Ctrl - F if you are looking for specific text to go to.

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Go to

What does the command?

To locate specific text in a document quickly!

What is the find command used for?

The find command is a means of find a "keyword" in a document.

How can you move the insertion point quickly to the beginning of a file?

Press Ctrl + Home... works every time!

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What excel command allows you to move to a cell quickly?

Goto. You can activate it by pressing the F5 keys.

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Clear Formatting command in the Font Group on the Home tab.