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Q: What command is used to lower the priority of a process?
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What is aging in operating system?

After certain time if we increase the priority then lower priority jobs will get chance fast.this process is called is used for multilevel feedback queue.

Can the top command be used to change the priority of processes?

Yes, certain versions of 'top' can change process priorities. However, you need sufficient priviledge to do that.

How are project classifications used in the capital budgeting process?

Like any other optimizing process, project classification seeks to identify most important parts of the budgeting process and give them highest priority, and to give a lower level priority parts attention they need.

What are the types of priority's?

Priority is a mechanism that concept is used when two or more process being processed at a time. In other words we would say "which process can be right to executed first among two or more processes" Generally priorities are several type. but system oriented types are 1. Static priority 2. Dynamic priority

How nice value is used to calculate process priority?

In Linux we can set guidelines for the CPU to follow when it is looking at all the tasks it has to do. These guidelines are called niceness or nice value.The Linux niceness scale goes from -20 to 19. The lower the number the more priority that task gets. If the niceness value is high number like 19 the task will be set to the lowest priority and the CPU will process it whenever it gets a chance. The default nice value is zero.

Which command is used to create a sub processes?

For Unix, any command is run as a sub-process. You don't need an actual command to create the subprocess. You can also force the process to run in the background by appending a '&' symbol at the end of the command.

What is the function of the kill command?

The 'kill' command is used to send a 'signal' to a process. The process is then free (for the most part) to interpret the signal as it wishes, assuming it is not a termination signal that cannot be ignored. A signal is an interrupt to the process; there are many signals that may be sent to a process or program.

Show the advantages of redirection with example in unix?

I/O Redirection is used when you don't want the output to go to the standard output location, e.g., the screen. It can be very helpful in capturing information to be used in a later process. For example, if the command 'ls' is used the output goes to the screen. But if the command 'ls > ls.out' is used, then the ls command output will be redirected to a file called ls.out, which can be examined, edited, or used in a later process.

What command can be used to stop a proccess that is more powerful than Task manager?

kill kill-all Wait that might be in Unix... Windows has "k" and then the "Process ID" or "Process Name" taskkill is another command you could try.

What type of service uses command and control?

Command and control is a type of management method typically used in the military service. Command and control, also known as C2, refers to the chain of command by which higher-ranking officers have precedence over those in the lower ranks.

What is the adjective for priority?

First place and prioritize are both synonyms for the word priority. Urgent is sometimes used in place of priority.

You have an application that compresses videos used in your online business. How can you adjust the amount of attention given to that application?

Use the Task Manager to modify the process priority.