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Q: What command is used to print a file in Linux?
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In Linux the chmod command is used to set file permissions.

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Which Linux command is used to copy a file?

in terminal it is : #cp file_a file_b

Which command is used to create an empty file with file size zero bytes so that you can write in these files later in unix and Linux?

touch newfile will make a new empty file in linux os !

What command is used to assign executable permission to all for the filetxt in Linux?

the command to make anything executable is chmod +x <file>

Which command is used to move a file?

The command MV is used to move a file in simple Linux Code. This command will move files and directories from one spot to another spot. To move a file, one would simply type in the letters MV before its name.

What Linux command is used to compare the difference between two file display the difference?

The command is: diff file1.txt file2.txt

What is the date command used for in Linux?

If you use Linux its hard to get one anywhere else... All kidding aside, the date command is used to print the current date and time (such as day of week, month, day of month, time, timezone, and year).

Which command can be used to execute a series of Linux commands at a specified time?

You can schedule jobs using cron and the /etc/crontab file, or you can use the "at" command

What Linux command is used for displaying all the records with space or special characters between fields in the file?


What utility on Linux can be used to copy a file including text and executable program binary files?

The cp command does that.

What Linux command displays the last part of a file without editing it?

The tail command can be used to output the last part of a text file. The default is to show the last 10 lines of a file and options are available to override this.