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Q: What command is used to store the current slab session into a text file?
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What command is used to store the current sci-lab session into a text file?


Record your login session into a file in UNIX?

Use the 'script' command; it captures everything you are doing and stores it into a file.

What is the output of the command file file in unix?

Assuming you had a file called 'file' in the current working directory it would try to guess what type of file it is, based on its contents.

What does the CHMOD command do?

Changes the permissions of a file or folder to grant or deny the ability to read, write, and/or execute the file for the current owner, the current group, or for all users of the system.

What commands would quit a vi session without saving changes to the file?

To quit a vi session without saving any changes, you use the the same quit command, but append an exclamation point. So: :q!

What are file permissions in Linux?

The typical way to view file permissions is to use the 'ls' command with the long listing options enabled, For example, to see the file permissions for everything in the current directory, type: ls -lsa

How do you make a new command in Unix?

first, make a file. in the file you type in the command's name. an example would be the command date. name the file what you want to call that command. when you use the command, type in cat filename and the computer will do the command.

What is the purpose of save as?

The editing command "Save as" is used to save a current named file under a different name, e.g. to make a copy or backup file, or to leave the previous form of the file unchanged while still keeping the current changes for access (useful if you have overwritten information and cannot undo the recent changes). Usually a Save As command for a new or unnamed file will do the same thing as simply Save.

What is the difference between interactive use of shell command and running a shell?

In an interactive shell session the shell program waits for the user to type in a command. When receiving a command the shell program will then attempt to locate it and process (execute) the command. You are interacting with the shell. Running a shell file requires a pre-stored series of commands stored in a file. Unless the shell program you are running is interactive then the shell executes each command in sequence, without involving the user at all.

How do I write a batch file to search recursive folders for a list of partial file names with wildcards and then delete the files?

No need for a batch file, the following commands will do it: CD folder FOR /F %i IN (files.txt) DO DEL %i /P /F /S The CD command sets the current folder. All deletions will occur in the specified folder and its sub-folders. The files.txt file must be a list of file names (wildcards permitted) with one file name per line. If this file does not reside in the current folder you must specify the fully-qualified path or the relative path (relative to the current folder). The FOR loop essentially executes the DEL command for each file in files.txt. The DEL command line switches are: /P (prompt for confirmation before deleting each file) /F (force delete read-only files) /S (recurse through sub-folders of the current folder). To suppress prompting, remove /P but add /Q (quiet mode) to suppress prompting on global wildcards. For more help on this, enter DEL /? at the command prompt. For more help on the FOr command, type FOR /? at the command prompt. If used in a command script (.cmd) or batch file (.bat), replace %i with %%i. The only real advantage of using a batch file (other than to save a bit of typing) is that you can also pass the root folder and the file containing your file list as parameters (identified by %1, %2, etc).

What is a file command used to create or start a new file?

The 'touch' command creates a new empty file in Unix.

What Linux command can you use to make a quick note to store in a file called meeting?

echo "text goes here" > meeting