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Q: What company buys o negative blood?
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What will a child's blood type be if parent's blood types are O negative and O negative?

Obviously, the child's blood type would be an O negative as well.

I have O negative blood group I need blood which blood group is suitable?

O negative blood type can take only from O negative. but in emergency cases if the O negative is not available, doctors give you O positive, and treat that with immune-suppressants.

Can parents with o negative blood and b negative blood have a child with a negative blood?

yes it can be possible too as the parents is already with an o blood group..

What any other blood can be given to o negative persons?

only "o negative" blood group person can be given to 'o negative' person

Can an o negative blood type father and o negative blood type mother have an o positive child?


What blood type is the universal doner why are they called this?

O negative is the universal donor. This means that anyone can have a transfusion of O neg, despite their blood type.

Can a mother with o negative blood and b positive father have a child with o negative blood?


What types of blood can a person with Type A receive?

Consideration must be given to whether or not the person is Rh positive or Rh negative. A person with blood type A positivecan receive A positive, A negative, O positiveand O negative blood. A person with A negative blood can only receive A negative and O negative blood.

O negative blood can receive blood from O positive person?

No, a person having o-negative blood cannot receive blood from a person having o-positive blood because it will cause coagulation of blood

Can a man with blood type a negative have a child with a lady with blood type a positive?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

What if your blood group is B positive can you receive O negative blood?

Yes, O negative blood is the universal donor, so if you're B positive or have any other blood type, you can receive O negative blood.

Is o negative and Bombay o negative same?

O negative and Bombay O negative are the same. The O negatives are able to give their donations to the other negative blood groups, however, they are unable to receive anything other then the Bombay blood groups and the O negative bloods.