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what compensations does the body have to do to defend cardiac


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Q: What compensations does the body have to do to defend cardiac output if you hemorrhage?
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Amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min?

cardiac output :)

Determined by heart rate x stroke volume?

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If resting cardiac output is six liters and maximum exercise cardiac output is sixteen liters what is the cardiac reserve?

10 liters

Which statement is correct about cardiac output?

cardiac output is heart rate multiplied by stroke volume,

How much blood returns to the heart?

cardiac output

How is cardiac output measured?

Cardiac output is measured by techniques such as the Fick Pickle and Dilution methods. Other methods of measuring Cardiac output include Doppler ultrasound and Echocardiography.

What is resting cardiac output?

its not cardiac rest, its cardiac ARREST. which is a heart attack.

What is cardiac-output?

Cardiac output is the volume of blood the heart pumps within one minute. Cardiac output (CO) is equal to the stroke volume (SV) of the heart multiplied by the heart rate (HR). Thus, cardiac output is given by the equation: CO=HR X SV.

Does exercise Change in cardiac output or in peripheral resistance?

Both, peripheral resistance decreases and cardiac output increases.

What does cardiac output do if the heart rate decreases?

Cardiac output = heart rate X stroke volume Thus, if the heart rate decreases so will the cardiac output, assuming the stroke volume is constant.

What is the effect of cardiovascular excerise on cardiac output?

Cardiac output is the total volume of blood that is pumped by the heart per minute. When you exercise, there is a greater demand for oxygen, which is carried in your blood, thus your cardiac output increases.

What can decrease the cardiac output?

The cardiac output can be decreased by decreasing the force of contraction of the ventricular myocardium and decreasing the heart rate.