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The effect would be an increase in cardiac output. However, there is a maximum level and then the heart would not have time to fill fully and the output would decrease.

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Q: What effect does stimulation of acetylcholine receptors of the heart have on cardiac output?
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What effect does stimulation of the acetylcholine receptors of the heart have on cardiac output?

The effect would be an increase in cardiac output. However, there is a maximum level and then the heart would not have time to fill fully and the output would decrease.

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Pilocarpine stimulates the release of acetylcholine from parasympathetic neurons. Therefore, it stimulates the effect of vagal stimulation on the heart.

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It blocks the nicotinic cholinergic receptors on the muscle that normally bind the acetylcholine released by the motor neuron.

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Organopesticides will increase the severity of muscle contraction beyond normal conditions. Acetylcholine esterase inhibition will allow a more than normal amount of acetylcholine to bind to receptors.

How does acetylcholine affect the cardiac cycle?

Ach decreases the heart rate and the force of the contraction. This is done through signaling molecules, and how they have a different effect on the heart vs salivary glands is that they have different receptors but sometimes they have the same receptor just the internal machinery is different.

How does a depressant affect the brain function?

They affect GABA, NMDA, opiod, adrenergic, histamine and acetylcholine receptors in your brain. Depressants can effect other parts of your brain aswell, these are just the parts of it that actually cause the depressant effects of the drugs. Alcohol for example effects the GABA, NMDA, acetylcholine and serotonin receptors but it's effect on the serotonin receptor doesn't cause any depressant effect but rather adds to the euphoric effects of alcohol.

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Its deliriants such as scopolamine act as competitive antagonist at muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. This affects the parasympathetic nervous system and leads to numerous potentially dangerous issues.

What is the effect of curare on eliciting an action potential?

it is an alpha-toxin that binds to acetylcholine binding sites on the postsynaptic cell membrane, which prevents the acetylcholine from acting. Curare blocks synaptic transmission by preventing neural impulses to flow from neuron to neuron. It does allow the action potential to travel in the axon, it just doesn't pass it on to the dendrite.

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The parasympathetic division of the autonomic innervation of the heart releases acetylcholine from its varicosities (the sites where neurotransmitter is released). The acetylcholine binds to M-2 muscarinc receptors to mediate the negative chronotropic (slowing of heart rate) effect. This also mediates a negative inotropic (lowering of force of contraction) effect.

What causes vagal escape?

when cardiac muscle begins to contract after a brief period of rest after vagal stimulation its initial strength of contraction increases to a plateau by staircase effect strong vagal stimulation of heart can stop heart beat for few seconds

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Cardiac output would decrease, SV would also decrease, the heart rate would then increase and sympathetic stimulation of the heart would also increase.

What is the effect of sympathetic stimulation on the rectum?

it contract the rectum