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The reaction is: 2 Na(s) + 2H2O(l) = 2 NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

So, the compound made is sodium hydroxide.

It is an exothermic reaction and you can get fire. You should be very careful.

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Q: What compound does sodium and water make?
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Just a solution of sodium hydroxide in water.

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Sodium chloride, an ionic compound, is formed.

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Because sodium chloride and water are ionic compounds.

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Salt water is NOT a compound. Salt water is a SOLUTION. The SOLUTE being sodium chloride (salt) and the SOLVENT being water. Sodium Chloride , when not dissolved in water is a compound , similarly water is a compound.

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NaCl (sodium chloride) is a compound, not a mixture.

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Sodium chloride is a hygroscopic compound.

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This is not a compound but a saline solution.

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You will obtain a sodium chloride solution in water.

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