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Q: What conclusion did the judge reach concerning Mr.Mrs. Theodorakis?
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What conclusion did the judge reach concerning mr and mrs theodorakis?

The judge concluded that Mr. and Mrs. Theodorakis were not guilty of the charges against them.

What information does forage Theodorakis give to the judge in the westing game?

In "The Westing Game," Theo Theodorakis provides the judge with information about Chris Theodorakis's relationship with Sandy McSouthers and Violet Westing. He reveals how Chris met Sandy and discusses how they both had interactions with Violet Westing.

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What is an objective conclusion?

An objective conclusion is a decision that was made with an unbiased opinion. In a court of law a judge makes an objective conclusion on cases.

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The judge thought the victim of Sam Westings revenge was George Theodorakis

What is the noun root form of judge?

The verb form of judge means to give an opinion or conclusion. Never judge a book by its cover.

Who were the heirs in The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin?

Turtle wexler angela wexler jake wexler grace wexler Crow Otis amber sandy mcsouthers mr hoo Doug hoo theo Theodorakis Christos Theodorakis Denton Deere sydelle Pulaski flora baumbach sun Lin hoo and judge ford

Who is pared with who in the westing games?

In "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin, the pairs of characters who are paired together as partners in the game are: Turtle Wexler and Flora Baumbach, Grace Windsor Wexler and Mr. Hoo, Theo Theodorakis and Doug Hoo, Chris Theodorakis and Dr. Deere, Angela Wexler and Judge J.J. Ford, and Sydelle Pulaski and Sandy McSouthers.

Can you get all the characters from westing game?

Turtle Wexler, Angela Wexler, Jake Wexler, Grace Wexler, James Hoo, Madame Hoo, Doug Hoo, Flora Baumbach, Sydelle Pulaski, Judge J.J. Ford, Otis Amber, Berthe Erica Crow, Theo Theodorakis, Chris Theodorakis, Ed Plum, Sandy McSouthers, Dr. Denton Deere, Julain Eastman, Barney Northrupp.

Which requires interpretation or that which requires the judge or jury to reach a conclusion based upon what the evidence indicates?

This refers to circumstantial evidence, which requires the judge or jury to draw inferences and make conclusions based on the facts presented, rather than direct evidence that conclusively proves a fact. It involves reasoning and weighing the evidence to determine the most likely explanation or conclusion.

What is an open finding?

A finding is the result reached by a jury or by a judge. An open finding is the conclusion of a coroner's jury that does not state the cause of death.

Is a psychologist allowed to send a letter to a judge concerning a patient and disclosing the patient's diagnosis?

yes--you may need to sign a release however...