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Q: What conclusions can you draw about the wages of men and boys compared to women?
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What do boys prefer power or women?

if you have power you will get women

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Why girls always cheat innocent boys?

It is because innocent boys fall into the trap easily. They can be easily made to do any work that girls want.

Why do you think parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys?

1)In many states of our country parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys. 2)Because of discrimination against women,they are denied equality and equal opportunity with men. 3)For a long time India remained a male dominant society. 4)In our culture a girl is not valued as much as boy. 5)The parents of our country must think like Himachali women to send their girls to schools. 6)Many Himachali women are themselves employed out side the home and they expect their daughters to work outside home even after marriage. Now-a-days education to both boys and girls are very essential for their better future.

Who did all the farming and building the slaves the women or the boys?

the women

How do you tell men's wayfarer's from women's?

If they are decorated (women). If they are not decorated then they are boys. If they have big rims then they are girls and if they are small rims then the are boys.

Can boys get nut cancer?

no but women can

How much did the breaker boys make a year?

From 1839 to 1848 laborers, such as breaker boys were 82 cents an day, without docking any of it. After their wages increased, but not by much.

Is ywca institute is not for boys?

YWCA is not for boys. The W in YWCA stands for women. For boys there is YMCA, with m as in Men

Are girls or boys better?

I'd say they are the both the same. Boys are often strong, while girls are often pretty. Girls can also be strong, and boys can also be handsome. If they apply themselves they are the same in "betterness" {although that isn't a word}, and shouldn't be compared like this.

Is it only American women that always date the bad boys and are UK women any different when they see someone that they consider a bad boy?

to me no, all women like bad boys.

What can you do to show my boyfriend that having pictures of other women's behind and him talking to women dirty is wrong?

tell him that it hurts you, but bare in mind that boys will be boys.