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characterized by retarded growth that leads to a small stature and frequent infertility. Individuals with Turner syndrome report an increased incidence of fractures in childhood and osteoporotic fractures in adulthood.

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Q: What conditions are associated with Turner syndrome?
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How common is juvenile arthritis in Turner syndrome?

Juvenile arthritis, an autoimmune condition, has been recently (1998) associated with Turner syndrome. The prevalence seems to be at least six times greater than would be expected if the two conditions were only randomly associated

What are medications in turner's syndrome?

Growth hormone to increase adult height. Hormone replacement therapy is begun during adolescence and continued. People with Turner syndrome may also take medication for associated medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and thyroid conditions.

All are conditions associated with changes in human chromosomes numbers except A Down Syndrome B Turner Syndrome C Klinefelter Syndromme D Jacobs Syndrome E Fragile X Syndrome?

The answer is D. Jacobs Syndrome

What are serve cases of turner's syndrome?

A severe case of Turner syndrome would be if someone who has many of the characteristics associated with it, especially if these characteristics were the possible problems with the heart, kidney or thyroid.

What are the similarities and differences between Down syndrome and Turner syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by an extra or part of an extra 21st chromosome while Turner syndrome is caused by an absence in one or part of the sex(X) chromosome.Down syndrome can occur in both male and femalewhile Turner syndrome only occurs in female.People with Down syndrome tend to have a lower than average cognitive ability.Both Down syndrome and Turner syndrome are at higher risk for having medical conditions such as heart problems.

What is an example of a disorder associated with an error in the number of chromosomes present?

Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is a disorder associated with an error in the number of chromosomes present. Other examples of disorders associated with an error in the number of chromosomes are Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome), Triple X syndrome, and Klinefelter Syndrome.

What does it mean when the human ears are below the average parallel level with the eyes?

Mother drinking and drugging during pregnancy. Is what it is.

What is a karyotpe able to identify?

Karyotypes are able to tell if there are any chromosome conditions present. These condition include Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, and Triploidy.

Can Turner Syndrome be inherited?

Turner syndrome can rarely be inherited

How do you diagnose turner syndrome?

The diagnosis is confirmed with a blood test to look at the person's chromosomes so it can be seen if the second X chromosome is missing. This test is done after a doctor notices the person has characteristics associated with Turner syndrome.

Does turner syndrome occur in boys?

No, Turner syndrome affects girls.

Is turner syndrome found in a particular sex?

Turner's syndrome is only found in females.