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it really depends on how big IT is

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Q: What condom size will a 13 year old boy be?
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What is the size for underwear for a eleven year old boy?

One size up from a ten year old boy. Or it can be one size down from a twelve year old.

Is a shoe size for a 14 year old boy?

The average shoe size for a 14 year old boy would be size 10.5

What is the average condom size for an 15 year old?

please wait atleast 17....

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There is no right size for a boy they get what there given!

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It depends on the size of the boy since all 5 year old boys grow at their own paces.

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size 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\

How can a thirteen year old boy get a condom?

Unless if the shop-keeper is a friend or has problems it is very doubtful that a 13 year old will be able to buy a condom. But you could always ask you're dad or mum to buy one.

What is the average sock size of a 12 year old boy?

The average sock size for a 12-year-old boy is size medium or large. This would fit a shoe size of 13-5

Is it strange for an 11 year old girl to go to a boy from school's house?

if they had a condom then no. Why is this in Justin Bieber category?

What is the average foot size of a 5 year old boy?

the average foot size of a 5 year old is 14 and a half

What is the average size for a 6 year old boy?

his tiny.