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Q: What contains a code and serves as a template for the production of RNA?
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How many outcomes can you get if a code contains 3 numbers and you can use 1-9?

Since the code contains three digits we can set up a template like this: _ _ _. Since there are 9 numbers between 1 and 9 inclusive we just do 9*9*9 = 729.

How do you develop a website?

You can develop a website using Dreamweaver, Front page or any HTML editor. You can also use a website template to develop your website. A web template is a complete pre-designed web page without any content or text. Each template contains the necessary graphics and HTML code to display the page properly. After downloading the template, you can edit the HTML code and graphics to fit your requirements with programs such as Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver or any text editor.

What nuclear components containing the genetic code controlling cellular processes?

The nucleus of a cell contains the genetic material, specifically DNA, which controls cellular processes through the expression of genes. The DNA is organized into chromosomes and serves as the blueprint for protein synthesis and cell function. Additionally, the nucleolus within the nucleus plays a role in producing ribosomes, which are essential for protein production.

How do you revert to classic template in Blogger?

Go to 'Template' , 'HTML code'. You should see a white text box. It's right at the bottom of the page.

What was the Production Budget for Source Code?

The Production Budget for Source Code was $32,000,000.

What was the Production Budget for Code 46?

The Production Budget for Code 46 was $7,500,000.

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The Production Budget for The Omega Code was $7,200,000.

What is involved in the production of proteins?

Protein production involves transcription, where DNA is used as a template to make mRNA. This mRNA is then translated by ribosomes to assemble amino acids into a protein molecule according to the genetic code. Finally, the protein is folded into its functional form and may undergo post-translational modifications.

What is difference between template and inline functions?

Template function would be global, they would have effect on all the pages within the template. Inline, would be regarding a specific line of code within a table or Div tag.

What is it called when making a protein is made using mRNA?

The production of proteins is called protein synthesis. This is further divided into transcription, which creates mRNA from template DNA, and translation, which uses the code of mRNA to make polypeptides.

How do you design 3 columns on Blogger?

by editing the css code in "edit template" option

What is One of the characteristic of retrotransposons?

they code for an enzyme that synthesizes DNA using an RNA template