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people that were traders

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Q: What contributed to the demand for better ships during the Renaissance?
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What contributed to the demand for reliable technology and better ships during the Renaissance?

because more countries wanted to explore in search of new trade routes, sources of resources, etc faster and better ships were needed. Many cities in the renaissance became rich and they built magnificent cities however they needed to defend them do better military technology was required.

Which contributed to the advances in learning that occurred during the Renaissance a writing in the common language of a people or b inventing the printing press?

Both writing in the common language of the people and inventing the printing press contributed to the advances in learning during the Renaissance. Writing in the common language made knowledge more accessible to a wider audience, while the printing press enabled the mass production of books, leading to increased dissemination of ideas and information.

What contributed to the advancement of visual arts during the renaissance period?

Printing Press.

What has contributed significantly to the development and spread of art during the renaissance?

the support of wealthy investors (:

During the Renaissance which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?

questioning of traditional authority

What contributed significantly to the development and spread of art during the Renaissance?

the support of wealthy investors

Patrons like the Medicis also contributed greatly to advancements in art during the Renaissance period What did they do to encourage Renaissance art?

They commissioned works by the artists.

What happened during the Renaissance time?

The Church was made better.

How did the Crusades lead to the Renaissance?

The Crusaders contributed to the increase of trade by demanding more of the goods found in Asia. This increased demand, in turn, led to yet more trade with the Muslim world. Using what they had learned, such as navigation techniques, Europeans then sought trade with civilizations on other continents. Contacts with Muslim scholars and their preserved greek and roman texts brought the Europeans a wealth of knowledge about medicine, art and government, much of which contributed to the change and learning during the Renaissance.

What important changes were happening in art during the Renaissance?

The artists started to use convergence, and perspective during the Renaissance. They also used better techniques in their shadowing.

Were other Italian cites important during the renaissance?

Florence was the birth place of the Renaissance. Venice was a very powerful city state at the time and contributed to the Renaissance. Pisa was the home to da Vinci and Rome had Michangelo's Sistine chapel along with his workshop.

How did the renaissance contribute to the age of exploration?

The greatest thinkers during the Renaissance contributed greatly to the age of explorer. People believed less in superstitions and started to accept new discoveries in science, particularly about space and the universe.