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Q: What contribution did Samuel Morse make to the US?
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What did Samuel Morse give us?

Morse code

US inventor who constructed the first practical telegraph in 1844?

Samuel Morse

How did Samuel Morse's invention change in the US?

it allowed people to send messages almost instantly (NovaNet)

How did Samuel Morse's invention change communication in US?

it allowed people to send messages almost instantly (NovaNet)

How did Samuel Morse's invention change communication in the US?

it allowed people to send messages almost instantly (NovaNet)

When did Edison patent the telegraph?

Several telegraphs were patented in the UK and US in 1837, none by Edison. The US patent was awarded to Samuel Morse. Edison did patent the Phonograph in 1877.

How does Samuel Morse influence us today?

he influenced the world by faster communication during the 1800's so that people wouldn't have to struggle in communication with other people.

Where did Morse code start?

The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code.

What else can you tell us about Morse?

he invented morse code and the telegraph

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Mass production

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he farted really loud