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Q: What controls static equilibrium in the ear?
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What part of the ear controls body balance?

We find the structures for balance in the inner ear. They include, for dynamic equilibrium, the semi-circular canal, and for static equilibrium, the vestibule (which contains the utricle and saccule).

Parts of ear that function in static equilibrium?

The vestibular system, part of the inner ear, functions in maintaining static equilibrium.

What are the receptor organs for equilibrium?

macula for static equilibrium and cristae for dynamic equilibrium. All are found in the inner ear.

What two part of the ear that do not play a role in hearing?

semi-circular canals for dynamic equilibrium and vestibule for static equilibrium

Which part of the ear contains receptors for static equilibrium?

It is the vestibule and the semicircular ducts are involved with the dynamic equilibrium.

What 4 parts of the ear function in static equilibrium?

Saccule, otoliths, utricle, and semicircular ducts.

Where is your body's equilibrium controlled?

The body's equilibrium is controlled in the inner ear, specifically the vestibular system. The inner ear also controls the human's orientation in space and perception of acceleration.

Does the middle ear control your sense of equilibrium?

equillibrium is balance and the semi circular canals in the ear affect it

Which part of the ear is responsible for equilibrium?

The hair cells within the vestibule and semicircular canals of the cochlea are responsible for both aspects of equilibrium (dynamic and static).Vestibular system

What is the receptor for dynamic balance in the ear?

The receptors for static equilibrium are located in the inner ear of humans.

Static equilibrium what is?

Newton's law is F = ma; when a = 0 (no acceleration) the force is 0 and in static equilibrium. When the net force of all forces is 0 their is no motion and the object is in static equilibrium

What is static and dynamic analysis?

Static analysis Analised the relation between one equilibrium to another equilibrium.