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Q: What could 10 day mid-cycle light bleeding be?
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Which day is the first day of menstruation when there is light bleeding for a day then nothing for two days then the full bleeding starts?

The day you first start the light bleeding. Because you don't bleed for 2 days after the light bleeding, then don't count these days as your period. But its still day 1 of your period.

You have light bleeding like once a day for like 3 days but havent started your period?

you could be pregnant

Can you get light bleeding one mouth for one day then new the next mouth the same thing and be pregnant?

can you light bleeding one mouth for a day then nextmouth same thing and be pregnant

What does implantation bleeding look like You had unsafe sex well the condom broke. and then the nex day you had light blood and then the next day you have cramps and alot of blood when you wipe?

It all depends on where in your cycle you were when you had sex and started bleeding. The bleeding could just be from the sex itself, you may have gotten a scratch or tear inside that is bleeding, you could be starting your period early or you could be experiencing implantation bleeding. If it is implantation bleeding it may be bright pink or dark brown and only enough to be considered 'spotting' and not a period. If it is heavy bleeding it is not implantation bleeding. You can take a test in 1.5 to 2 weeks. Good Luck!

Your period didn't start as normal you had all the pregnancy symptoms. But now at day 37 you have some bleeding Is this just your period late or could you still be pregnant?

You could still be pregnant. Light bleeding is common early in pregnancy. Take a test.

If you had your period on 6-29 until 7-3 and then had light brown blood on 7-7 for about one day is this implantation bleeding?

Hi, It could be implantation bleeding or it could be left over blood from your period. See your doctor for a blood test.

You had light bleeding for half a day shortly before your period was due and have had period-like cramps for several days afterwards but no additional bleeding could you be pregnant?

dont be stupid....that baby better have a father that you are married to.

You are wondering if this could be implantation bleeding you started light bleeding yesterday 7 days before your period is due its not enough blood to fill a pad in 1 day but pretty steady light flow?

it could be, if it is light pink and not heavy. answer If your on the pill it can mess up your periods so if your on the pill that won't surprise me if your worried go see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. Implanation bleeding is a spot of blood which there's no flow to it. Hope I help. From Pink Princess

Is it normal to have light spotting for three days then start bleeding a lot on the fourth day and still be bleeding on day eight when your periods are usually five days?

No... That is pretty unusual... xO

You are on your 6th day of Primolut-N for heavy bleeding you now have light spotting is it okay to have sex with your boyfriend Will it cause heavier bleeding again?

you'd better not to have sex while bleeding.

Can this be implantation bleeding you miss your period for 1 month then on the first of the next month you have light bleeding for one day and passed a small blood clot?


Regular 33 day cycle but have been experiencing light pink discharge af not due for 8 more days Could this be implantation bleeding?

Hi, Yes it could be implantation bleeding hun. If it is, you can see your doctor for a quantitative beta hcg blood test and you will get the result within three days. Good luck.