

What could 500 tons of TNT destroy?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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That is difficult to predict, but 500 tons of TNT is half a kiloton. Half a kiloton of TNT could probably flatten eight square blocks of a city - maybe more.

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that varies with yield, which is specified in tons of TNT and would thus be your answer. atomic bombs have been built and tested with yields from 10 tons of TNT to over 50 million tons of TNT.

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there was 2000 tons of TNT, 10 tons of gun cotton, 35 tons of benzoyl and lots of artillery shells.

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its equal to 20000 tons of tnt

What is 10 megatons?

mega = million. so megaton = million tons. Often used as a comparative power, where the tons referred to are tons of TNT. So, the Hiroshima bomb was about 20kt. = 20 000 tons of TNT. Naturally, this unit ignores effects beyond simple blast, effects such as heat and radiation.

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The gigaton is a measure of blast force, equivalent to a billion tons of TNT. The largest weapon ever made, the 50 megaton (million tons of TNT) Czar Bomba, has less than one hundredth of this.

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Kilotons are used to measure the power of atomic bombs. A kiloton is the power equivalent of 1000 tons of TNT, a chemical explosive used in bombs. A 15 kiloton atomic bomb has the power of 15,000 tons of TNT.

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2,000,000. By definition.