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Kilotons are used to measure the power of atomic bombs. A kiloton is the power equivalent of 1000 tons of TNT, a chemical explosive used in bombs. A 15 kiloton atomic bomb has the power of 15,000 tons of TNT.

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How much weight did the bomb little boy weigh in kilotons?

Little Boy weighed 4.85 tons and had an explosive yield of about 15 kilotons TNT equivalent.If you really want Little Boy's weight expressed in kilotons it was 0.00485 kilotons.

How much energy was in the atomic bombs that were dropped in Hiroshima?

It was about 12 kilotons.

How many kilotons was the hiroshima bomb?

About .02 megatons. It was a twenty kiloton bomb. A mere firecracker compared to today's whizbangs.

How strong are the nuclear bombs made today compared with the atomic bombs you dropped on japan?

In very round figures modern fusion bombs have yields in the range from 200 kilotons to 400 kilotons with a small number over 1 megaton. The two fission bombs dropped on Japan were 15 kilotons & 22 kilotons respectively.

How much is 21 kilotons weigh in pounds?

21 kilotons is about 46,297,075.06 pounds.

How much tons is in 12.5 kilotons?

12.5 kilotons equates to about 13,778.89 tons (US).

How do you calculate kilotons into tons?

Divide kilotons by 1,102.31 to get approximate short (US) tons.

How many nuclear bombs does India have?

100-140 warheads of 5 kilotons to 250 kilotons

What was the kiloton yield of the hiroshima atomic bomb?

At various times it has been estimated anywhere from about 12 kilotons to 20 kilotons, I believe the most accurate current estimate is about 13 kilotons.

How many times stronger is a volcano eruption than a atomic bomb?

The total energy released by the four main events of the Krakatoa explosion in 1883 eruption was equivalent to 200 megatons of TNT. Hiroshima was 15 kilotons. This will help you visualize the unit of both.

How many kilotons makes a megaton?

1 million tons = 2 billion pounds or more commonly used as a measure of energy release in a nuclear bomb 4.184 petajoules

What is the yield in kilotons of two grams of antimatter?

Using E=mc2 2g of antimatter will yield the equivelent of 42.962 kilotons of TNT.