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It actually is fat and it can be surgically removed. These types of fat lumps are usually around some people's eyes.

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Q: What could a fatty raised area on the outside of one face cheek be and if you tigthen your skin it goes way and there is no bump but it looks like some of the fat shifted on your face?
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Can you smoke after cutting the outside fo your cheek?

You can. It doesn't seem like such a great idea though.

Old 22-250 bolt action rifle and it says springfield on it it has a real wood stock and a raised cheek piece.?

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What life span would a cheek cell have?

The life span of a cheek cell inside the mouth is about a month. The lifespan outside the body is usually less, but it also depends on how well its sample is prepared.

When molecular geneticists take a blood sample or a cheek swab what are they trying to obtain?

The inside cells of the cheek are living cells. The cheek cells outside are dead and filled with keratin. These living cells have a nucleus which contains DNA. This is a very easy way to gather DNA samples and it is not invasive.

Which type of solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink?

A hypertonic solution would cause a cheek cell to shrink. The size is related to the fact that the hypertonic solution has a greater concentration of solute outside the cell.

When was The Cheek created?

The Cheek was created in 2007.

Is the song 'cheek to cheek' for foxtrot or quickstep?

The Song "Cheek to cheek" from Fank Sinatra is a Foxtrott.

What is the Welsh for 'cheek'?

grudd: cheek boch: cheek digywilydd-dra: impudence

Is cheek a common noun?

Cheek is common noun

What is the function of the cheek cell?

Cheek cells are made up of squamous epithelium , these are tightly arranged and helps protect against bacterial invasion. Human cheek cells are a type of epithelial cell that lines the interior of the mouth. The function of the human cheek cells is to secrete mucin, which maintains moisture in the mouth to aid mechanical and chemical digestion. To help in the chewing of food. Cheek cells are actually epithelial cells, and are used to line any cavities inside and outside the human body. Cheek cells mainly assist in chewing food and protecting against bacterial infection. They chew the food by breaking it down and the layer they occupy protects the cheek from injury.

What a cheek?

A cheek is the side of your face.

Why is it bad to use heat to treat a toothache?

applying a cold compress against the outside of the cheek; do not use heat, because it will tend to spread infection.