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I get those a lot. I'm not too sure if what I get is a calcium build-up, but I heard that you get those bumps from using too many products on your hair and face. They go away after about a week. They sort of remind me of an under the skin zit and they hurt. Hope I helped..

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Q: What could a hard bump on your forehead next to the hairline be if it is not a calcium build-up and it is too hard to be a cyst?
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If you have swollen lymph nodes at the base of your neck you must go to see your doctor immediately. This could be a critical condition that needs attention immediately !!!

What could a bump on your forehead be that is somewhat sore if you did not hit your head on anything and have no idea what it is from?

I cannot help answer this question but actually have something similar on my forehead. About a month ago I noticed a small lump on my forehead just below my hairline and it was a little sore to the touch but I did not remember hitting my head or getting hit with anything. It has still remained the same size but the soreness goes and comes. I have debated going to my doctor because I thought at first it may just be a pimple that has not come to the surface yet but now that it is going on 2 months and still no change I am wondering what it could be. If anyone knows or thinks that it could be serious, please respond. Thanks for any help on this.

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Yes, Infact his forehead is so massive, that he could take out a tank with it.

Which African braiding style is best if you have a receding hairline?

probably most effective would be micros or you could get an "up-do" with a swoop to cover up and promote growth of the receding hairline.

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There could be several different reasons you have a forehead skin infection. You could have an infected hair, a cut or scrape could be infected, or you could be allergic to something you are using on your face.

Could calcium be metal oil?

yes, calcium could be metal oil.

What about a lump on right side in back under hairline?

It can be anything from a simple contusion of the head you got from a night out drinking, all the way to something serious like a tumor. If it doesnt go away after week I would consider contacting a physician. Especially if it just recently appeared.

What could a strange painless swelling be on your forehead above your a?

A strange painless swelling on your forehead above your eye could be a pimple. If it grows to a large size, consult your doctor.