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Underneath the car, behind the passenger side front well wheel there is a ~3 inch hole in the floor plan that is normally sealed by a tight fitting, almost flush rubber seal. Driving over a curb or brush off road can push out this cap, leaving the hole open, and water can enter the cavity which is the under neath the passenger front side carpet. The fix is to plug up this hole again, but first it's best to dry the carpet area out by using a fan, avoiding driving when it's raining. etc. I used an expanding, folding 'ears' toggle bolt, a large metal washer and a slightly larger rubber circle cut from a piece of old tire inner tube. After securely installing this, I sealed around the circumference of the rubber with some adhesive - this prevented the wetness problem from returning.

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Q: What could be causing water to leak into a 2002 Volkswagen on the driver's side floor board?
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