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Q: What could be happened to the areas of the frontier after train began to come there?
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In areas where cities could begin to command their hinterlands.

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A strong empire could put settlements on its frontier as well as posting troops to those areas. Another way is to build a wall, similar to what China did.

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The writer could use a flashback.

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you could place salt on the icy areas to increase friction because the ice would began to melt.

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Well you could argue that Buddhism began on the birth of the Buddha which was 623B.C. This happened in northern India, near the Himalayas.

Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European frontier?

Turner believed that the American frontier was different from the European frontier because the area was free and open. People could easily settle there. This was unlike the European frontier that was protected by the military.

What happened when the Germans built a trench in September of 1914?

the allies soon realized that they could not not break through this line, they also began to dig trenches.

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could definitely be due to NyQuil as it causes drowsiness. if it persists after you stop taking it see a doctor

What happened to Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was dropped?

The cities were devastated and medics and nurses began attending the wounded of an illness that was new and they did't could not help the mayority of the wounded.

What is the age of a colt frontier scout serial number 56599P?

Could not find a Colt frontier scout with serial number 56599P, but a Colt frontier scout with serial number 56599F was made in 1959.

How did fighting on the frontier lead to war with Britain?

Fighting in the frontier was the exact cause that lead to war with Britain. These two groups just could not agree.